Experienced Professionals – Application Form Personal Details Prefix (eg. Mr, Ms) First Name * Initial Surname * Preferred Name Email Address* Date of Birth Gender MaleFemale Street Address* Suburb * Post Code * Home Phone Number* Mobile Number Country of Citizenship* If you are not an Australian Citizen, do you have permanent residence? * YesNo Please be aware that Cooper Partners requires all candidates to possess Australian citizenship or permanent residency. Education History Educational Institution * First Discipline / Major * Second Discipline / Major Start Date * Graduation Date * Questionaire Please answer the following questions: Current Employment * Describe your current role * Reason for leaving * Level attained * Previous Employment Details * Total Years of Experience * What type of role are you applying for : Accounting & ComplianceAdvisoryBusiness ServicesSMSF List any relevant professional qualifications or memberships Personal Qualities In this section, please respond as concisely and completely as possible. Your responses will be discussed in more detail if you are invited for an interview. What attracts you to Cooper Partners and to the tax and business advisory type of work. * What personal qualities or skills can you bring to Cooper Partners? * What do you expect to be doing in 3-5 years time? * Under what circumstances do you work best? * Tell us about an achievement of which you are proud. * Give an example of how you recently used your initiative. * Give an example and describe when you have been able to participate and contribute in a team environment. * Give an example and describe the outcome of where you had to manage multiple projects and conflicting deadlines. * Additional information which you may consider relevant to this application. Plain Text Cover Letter Please copy and paste the text from your cover letter here. After pasting your cover letter, please ensure the text is readable. Attachments In this section you can attach the files you want to submit along with the candidate record (eg. Cover letter, references, transcripts etc). Important - Maximum File Size is 2MB. Valid Extensions are as follows: .doc, .rtf, .txt, .pdf. Do not attempt to attach any other file type. Select a file: Cover Letter* Resume* Academic Transcript Statement of True Disclosure & Consent I confirm that the details I have submitted are true and correct. I acknowledge I am submitting my personal details voluntarily for the primary purpose of allowing Cooper Partners to access my application for their graduate recruitment program. I authorise Cooper Partners to contact me via telephone, email or letter in relation to this application. I acknowledge that Cooper Partners may carry out reference checks to establish the accuracy of the content of this application. I agree and consent* By submitting this form I understand that I am consenting to the above statements Cooper Partners will send you an acknowledgement email once we have received your application. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION FORM. YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS AND INFORMATION WILL BE HELD CONFIDENTIAL AT ALL TIMES. ENSURE YOU HAVE FULLY COMPLETED ALL SECTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH YOUR SUBMISSION - YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MODIFY YOUR RESPONSES ONCE YOU HAVE PRESSED SUBMIT. ALL FIELDS MARKED WITH A * SHOULD BE COMPLETED. PLEASE PRESS SUBMIT ONCE ONLY (IT CAN TAKE MINUTES TO PROCESS) AND WAIT FOR THE APPLICATION TO PROCESS.